1D54D74C4B788B01A39CE8E6899019C7 Bring your film in every CINEMA (video course) €103.07 -->
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Bring your film in every CINEMA (video course) €103.07

A strongly recommended Masterclass imparting important knowledge about Digital Cinema Package which cannot be found anywhere else. The DCP topic has taken on an important role today. Unfortunately, many people still create their own DCPs with half knowledge. Thanks to Sebastian Leitner, who shares many years of experience and his know-how with everyone. A step-by-step guide to a professional DCP. Ehsan Haghighat Head Instructor Film at SAE Institute Berlin Mark Deere The DCP I created worked perfectly (and looked amazing) when I previewed it in the cinema last night, and I doubt I could’ve produced it so quickly and confidently without having your recommended, tried and tested values from the book to use for my DCP’s settings. Really appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge and expertise with filmmakers for such a reasonable price. Thanks man! Mark Deere Let's be honest ... You just landed here because you want to bring your movie to the big screen!! Now you have finally finished your film and now have to create a DCP, so that the movie ever runs in the cinema. However, your budget is tight and you therefore want to do without expensive agencies. Promise: You are now experiencing 3 revelations that will initially disappoint you and then make you happy. I'll tell you now: The nasty, naked truth about CINEMA. What lies you are served by cinema agencies to make you dependent on them. The only honest way you can realistically understand complex DCPs and get your audience excited around the world. We would like to explain briefly why it is all the more important for us to be 100% honest with you and to tell you nothing but the truth. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dangerous half-knowledge out there on the internet and an incredible number of gurus who are constantly nagging you with lies to convince you to buy expensive services and make you dependent on them .https://www.digistore24.com/redir/296289/moustafahamada/.. However, it is even worse: I'll come to this shocking reality soon ... but now: The only certified and serious way, with which you bring every film in the cinema safely to work: There is only one way you can get any film on the movie or festival screen, claim other service providers. All the agencies and misinformation out there are just "lies" and thought-out "fairytale stories" that you want to simplify the following: CINEMA works only if you use professional support as a service. Point. It does not work differently. Cinema is a complex and self-contained unit. The big movie makers have teamed up to prevent manipulation and piracy. To be able to play a movie on any cinema system, the movie must be converted into a DCP (digital cinema package). Here you can see the history, so that your movie can be played in the cinema! 1. Movie 2. DCP 3. CINEMA Once your movie has been mastered as a DCP, any movie theater in the world can play your movie in the best sound and picture quality. For this, however, a DCP must first be created. Without DCP, no cinema server can read the data. So that means: It does not work without DCP. There is only one way to get your movie to the screen in perfect quality. By converting your film to a so-called digital cinema package, guaranteeing high-resolution image quality and crystal-clear sound quality. Those who want to tell you that your film with Bluray or USB stick like magic in the cinema can be played, they tell you simply fairytale stories. The rest, the rumors are all lies. Worst of all, making a DCP is a science for many and is usually no fun. Your friends and work colleagues advise you to high-paying agencies, which you supposedly want to save a lot of work. Expertise is required to create a DCP: this means: Less time for the daily business Less budget for marketing Less desire for a own cinema production Failure and bad mood Your discipline will be put to the test: You will have to give up your free time even though you have already spent so much time in your film. For 90% of the people this is unfortunately the truth: Cinema is from yesterday, who goes to the cinema. I prefer to stay at home. The second killer is already: You do not come to the cinema anyway, because nobody wants to see your movie! The conclusion is relentless: It is a huge ordeal to get your own movie in the cinema and thus actually be successful. How should you manage to get a movie in the cinema next to your job, friends, hobbies and family? Of course it is possible, but at what price? We have told you that we will disappoint you first. But we also told you that you will be happy again ... that comes now. You have just heard: 1. The unpleasant, bare truth about cinema and festival films. 2. How the film agencies lie to you with all the services and fairytale stories. Let us now come to the promised third point. The following will open your eyes and make you happy. Promised. We as filmmakers have always asked ourselves: Why is there really no way you can easily bring your own movie to the cinema, which is easy to implement and it is also fun? Therefore, we have set ourselves the goal to develop exactly such a method: This method is not a panacea, you just once everything translates and all your movies as if by magic in the cinema. There is no such thing and it would be just another lie that you can not believe. It is also not a new fashion technique, with which you can publish a few movies at short notice and immediately go to Hollywood. We filmmakers, Sebastian Leitner and I, Sven Sulik wanted to develop a method that will allow you to master your own movie as DCP without ever having to invest a lot of time and money and not end up with your movie can be played because any error has occurred. If you look at the biggest challenges in the DCP mastering, then you can identify three PLUS a problem area: Your movie must be mastered as a digital cinema package for it to run You can not rely on rumors You harm your success if your movie can not be played To create a DCP, you must have studied Your COACH and helper Sebastian Leitner Sebastian Leitner is based in Berlin, Germany but was born in Vienna, Austria. Being a big fan of the Hollywood of the 90s & 00s, he's what you would call a film-buff. The biggest problems Wrong mastered Rumors believe Study required We at digital cinema mastering Workshop... are here to make it easy for you! Simple means for us: You can easily create your own DCP yourself at home. It is 100% playable around the world. You understand every step and feel safe, content and can clone your film so many times, with the result: to be able to experience your movie in every movie. We present: Perhaps the best video course in the world - to produce successful movies quickly and safely. The unique professional video course Just bring your movie to any cinema without an agency Fast results through extremely valuable expert knowledge Simple and successful cinema production Tested for you: how do you manage to bring your own movie to every cinema in the world? That's what you've learned from us - The only way you can get your movie into the cinema in the best sound and image quality is to create a digital cinema package. You can bring your own movie to the cinema. Digital cinema mastering workshop is incredibly easy: As of now, you are learning to bring your own movie to the cinema as a DCP This saves you on average $ 1443 per DCP and are just as successful as if you would hire an expensive agency. Just great: digital cinema mastering workshop feels very easy and makes you a DCP master. Advantage # 1: This video course makes it easy and cheap! Here is the comparison of our video course to an agency Advantage # 2: Quick and easy implementation 1. Produce film 2. Enjoy video course 3. Delight audiences Advantage # 3: Excellent picture and sound results And here is the proof: Did you know that you have to spend about $ 120.000 to get a movie in 20 cinemas? Thus, the bill is quite simple: You produce your own DCP once and clone it as often as you want, without having to pay for another DCP each time. (We recommend you at least 1 backup DCP in DCI standard quality ...) ... and that's twice as much DCPs per movie, which will cost you even less. (We recommend you at least 1 backup DCP in DCI standard quality ...) So again: The advantages of digital cinema mastering workshop: You can produce your own movie as many times as you want. You are completely independent of expensive agencies. You decide in which aspect ratio your film should be shown. The digital cinema workshop video course will help you create a 100% DCP that can be played all over the world without any loss of quality. You can bring your movie to any movie theater right away and you do not have to wait for any outside service. Excite your viewers in breathtaking sound and image quality over and over again. Produce for other DCPs and get extra financial cushion. It will not come to any unexpected additional bills, so that your movie can really be played. As you can see, we at digital cinema mastering workshop have gone to great lengths to develop something that will allow you to produce so many films every day, to bring your own movies to the biggest screens in the world, and to get a lot of recognition and attention for yours to get creative performance.
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